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NEW Model Shipways USN Picket Boat Laser Cut Wood Model Kit 1/2 Scale #MS2261
New – Model Shipways – USN. The Boat That Sunk The Albemarle – Scale 1/2= 1 ft. Picket Boat #1, a steam launch, was built in 1864 to support of the U. Navy’s blockade of the Confederacy. Outfitted with a spar-torpedo, she could also attack larger enemy vessels. On the dark night of 27-28 October […]
Model Shipways USN PICKET BOAT #1 124 SCALE
Model Shipways Usn Picket Boat #1 1:24 Scale The Boat That Sunk The Albemarle Picket Boat #1, a steam launch, was built in 1864 to support of the U. Navy’s blockade of the Confederacy. Outfitted with a spar-torpedo, she could also attack larger enemy vessels. On the dark night of 27-28 October 1864, Lieutenant William […]
Model Shipways 1/24 Picket Boat #MS2261
Box has been opened, but all laser cut parts, etc. Have not been removed from their sheets or protective tubing. Glue and paints not included.
Model Shipways USN PICKET BOAT #1 124 SCALE
Model Shipways Usn Picket Boat #1 1:24 Scale The Boat That Sunk The Albemarle Picket Boat #1, a steam launch, was built in 1864 to support of the U. Navy’s blockade of the Confederacy. Outfitted with a spar-torpedo, she could also attack larger enemy vessels. On the dark night of 27-28 October 1864, Lieutenant William […]
Model Shipways MS2261 USN Picket Boat, Laser Cut Wood, Ship Model Kit, 124 Scale
This is New Never Used and in New/Excellent condition. See photos of actual item. What You See Is What You Get.
Model Shipways 2261 124 USN Picket Boat Steam Launch Kit
This is a Model Shipways 2261 1:24 USN Picket Boat Steam Launch Kit. This unassmebled kit features laser-cut basswood parts facilitate plank-on-frame interior construction. High quality, flexible basswood strips are supplied for hull planking. Britannia metal fittings, brass and aluminum parts are used for deck furnishings, including a miniature steam engine, pump and 12-pounder Dahlgren […]
Model Shipways USN PICKET BOAT #1 Wooden Model Ship Kit 124 SCALE
Model Shipways USN Picket Boat #1 1:24 Scale. The Boat That Sunk The Albemarle Picket Boat #1, a steam launch, was built in 1864 to support of the U. Navy’s blockade of the Confederacy. Outfitted with a spar-torpedo, she could also attack larger enemy vessels. On the dark night of 27-28 October 1864, Lieutenant William […]
Model Shipways USN PICKET BOAT #1 Wooden Model Ship Kit 124 SCALE
Model Shipways USN Picket Boat #1 1:24 Scale. The Boat That Sunk The Albemarle Picket Boat #1, a steam launch, was built in 1864 to support of the U. Navy’s blockade of the Confederacy. Outfitted with a spar-torpedo, she could also attack larger enemy vessels. On the dark night of 27-28 October 1864, Lieutenant William […]
USN Picket Boat #1 Wooden Ship Model Kit 124 Scale
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Model Shipways MS2261 USN Picket Boat #1 124 Wood Scale Ship Kit ON SALE
Model Shipways USN Picket Boat #1 1:24 Scale. The Boat That Sunk The Albemarle. Picket Boat #1, a steam launch, was built in 1864 to support of the U. Navy’s blockade of the Confederacy. Outfitted with a spar-torpedo, she could also attack larger enemy vessels. On the dark night of 27-28 October 1864, Lieutenant William […]