For use in industrial and safety compliant applications. 1? 2 Spindles with 6×5.5 Idler Hub Assemblies. 2? Pair of protective gloves. 1? 40ft High Cube container weighs 8,775 lbs. The 40ft Standard container weighs 8,000 lbs. Both the 40ft High Cube container and 40ft Standard container have a Maximum Gross Weight (weight of container and the cargo inside) of 67,200 lbs. So, the quick attach wheels on an end will be supporting about 4,378 Lbs. 2? 20ft container weighs 3,970-4,850 lbs. Just insert the Lug head into bottom corner castings of the container. These units are secured tightly and unable to rotate or become disconnected while in use yet can be disassembled quickly. These units are for non-public road use ONLY. Such as moving containers around a parking lot, Farm, or construction site for example. Operate at Low speeds. (They DO NOT contain a braking system) We’ve tested these products throughout the country moving containers throughout rough terrain, Sandy soil, forests, and bogs in Northern New Finland. NOTE: Dually assemblies available if requested.