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The following posts on Model Kits Ships were tagged with the keyword picket.

Model Shipways USN PICKET BOAT #1 124 SCALE

Model Shipways Usn Picket Boat #1 1:24 Scale The Boat That Sunk The Albemarle Picket Boat #1, a steam launch, was built in 1864 to support of the U. Navy’s blockade of the Confederacy. Outfitted with a spar-torpedo, she could also attack larger enemy vessels. On the dark night of 27-28 October 1864, Lieutenant William […]

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Model Shipways MS2261 USN Picket Boat, Laser Cut Wood, Ship Model Kit, 124 Scale

This is New Never Used and in New/Excellent condition. See photos of actual item. What You See Is What You Get.

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Model Shipways 2261 124 USN Picket Boat Steam Launch Kit

This is a Model Shipways 2261 1:24 USN Picket Boat Steam Launch Kit. This unassmebled kit features laser-cut basswood parts facilitate plank-on-frame interior construction. High quality, flexible basswood strips are supplied for hull planking. Britannia metal fittings, brass and aluminum parts are used for deck furnishings, including a miniature steam engine, pump and 12-pounder Dahlgren […]

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Model Shipways USN PICKET BOAT #1 Wooden Model Ship Kit 124 SCALE

Model Shipways USN Picket Boat #1 1:24 Scale. The Boat That Sunk The Albemarle Picket Boat #1, a steam launch, was built in 1864 to support of the U. Navy’s blockade of the Confederacy. Outfitted with a spar-torpedo, she could also attack larger enemy vessels. On the dark night of 27-28 October 1864, Lieutenant William […]

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Model Shipways USN PICKET BOAT #1 Wooden Model Ship Kit 124 SCALE

Model Shipways USN Picket Boat #1 1:24 Scale. The Boat That Sunk The Albemarle Picket Boat #1, a steam launch, was built in 1864 to support of the U. Navy’s blockade of the Confederacy. Outfitted with a spar-torpedo, she could also attack larger enemy vessels. On the dark night of 27-28 October 1864, Lieutenant William […]

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USN Picket Boat #1 Wooden Ship Model Kit 124 Scale

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Model Shipways MS2261 USN Picket Boat #1 124 Wood Scale Ship Kit ON SALE

Model Shipways USN Picket Boat #1 1:24 Scale. The Boat That Sunk The Albemarle. Picket Boat #1, a steam launch, was built in 1864 to support of the U. Navy’s blockade of the Confederacy. Outfitted with a spar-torpedo, she could also attack larger enemy vessels. On the dark night of 27-28 October 1864, Lieutenant William […]

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